Yoni Steams 6 (At Home Use)

Steams: 1/4 cup equals one steam. Benefits:The herbs used in this blend help to inhibit the growth of tumors, regulate the menstrual cycle, fights fibroids and ovarian cysts as well as endometriosis, enhances blood flow, increasing hormonal balance, soothes cramping related to cysts, reduces inflammation, fights bad bacteria and viruses, serves as a uterine tonic, strengthens the uterine wall, purifies the blood, is high in vitamins and B Complex and so much more.Instructions does come with steam 

  • Do Not Steam

    If on cycle



    Birth Control Rods

    Spontaneous Bleeding

Disclaimer: These products are not regulated by the FDA. Before beginning any herbal regimen, it is encouraged to contact your Primary Care Physician. These products are not meant to replace or treat any medical conditions or diagnosis. Customers assume all risks while using herbal products.

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